Thursday, July 17, 2008

2006 October: I uploaded some concert video footage from a CBH event done three yrs ago. The camera work was done by my then 11 year old son, who did a surprisingly good job although he did have some moments of shooting the cymbals and such. The sound is not bad though for a camera mic and it does show some of the band members who joined me that day, including my good friend and wonderful vocalist Cheryl Grant, and my older son Jordan who is behind the drums.
I played an acoustic guitar on this event, not my usual favored electric, but the sound is a full one, which is what we wanted for this particular night.
The videos are able to be viewed on Yahoo Video, Youtube, and Google video. Put in "messianic music" for the search term to find them.
Here is a link to the youtube videos. Please post your comments on the video pages.

November: The videos have had over 11000 hits, which for this type music is terrific. I can only pray that those who view it will share the web address and my web site with others. Some people have come to Congregation Beth Hallel after viewing the site, and then using the link to the synagogue web site to discover it. This is wonderfully encouraging.

Wow! I sold out of my first three round of cds that were pressed for me. Exciting to see so many people get a copy and the hear the reactions from listeners who have seemed to really enjoy this music.
If you are one who has enjoyed this cd please email me your comments at so I can publish some on this site. Also your reviews in Itunes, Rhapsody and the three video sites are terrific to help get the word out.
Winter : I have been getting some great emails from folks who like the music and this web site. Also great testimony from some who are researching their Jewish roots. It is interesting how some people are drawn to Messianic Judaism not knowing why, only to discover later that their parent(s), or grandparents were jewish, and that fact had been hidden. Commonly in past years anti-semtism drew many Jews underground, or to "pretend" they were not jewish at all.
Keep those emails coming !
for more details.

Here are quotes from some recent emails and postings
"I've been thinking about this for a long time, and your info finally put the pieces together! I just want to say thanks and it was good that you placed in in an area where others have the choice to further their quest for the Truth, in Yeshua Ha-Maschiach, our saviour.
I was raised Catholic, but changed to non-denomination evagelical (Bible churches). There was something missing and I always considered myself somewhat of Jewish ancestry. My ex wife would sometimes say (after we divorced and I remained succesful), that I was from one of the lost tribes of Israel. "
" A few years ago I made a wrong turn in Orange County, Ca. I was looking for a library and ended up at a Chabad Shul instead. I had been searching for soulful fullfilment at the time and thought this was a sign. I got involved with my local Chabad center here in Chatsworth, Ca. for a couple of years."
"I still have a hard time believing as I was not raised to be religious. However in my heart I believe in God and I still search. I'm still searching after many years and I take that as a sign that there is something for me. After reading about your journey I am going to check out a couple of the Messianic Temples we have here. I hope to find what I'm looking for as you and your wife Shannon did. "
" I was blessed to read about your faith journey on your web site. Although my journey with God has taken me through years of Catholic formation and now more expressions from protestant traditions, I was overwhelmed by my pilgrimage to the Holy Land in oct of 05. I only wish I could have stayed there longer and someday I want to take my wife and 3 children back. It was so humbling to realize how shallow my understanding of God and his dealings with his people really is. I have so much to learn about my spiritual heritage. Our guide, Svee, was a Messianic Jew and he was the most fascinating man. I could sit and listen to him tell stories for hours. " Wayne P.
From a post on one of my You Tube videos- "I'm new to Messianic Judaism, coming from a tradtional Jewish background. Your singing and guitar playing, truly moved me. Thank-you! " Emily
Spring 2007
our musical group played for the huge Beth Hallel Passover Seder. As in prior years, this wonderful event was sold out! More than 300 came to share in the seder and the meal. Volunteers our congregation cooked, set up, served, tore down and cleaned the large room. My wife Shannon headed up a serving team, and my 14 year old son Jason spent 13 hours there working in the kitchen ministry.We played music to welcome the guests, as well as a praise section during the seder. We also played for a worship time and I got to sing acapella versions of some of the traditional songs in the seder itself, like Eliyahu Hanavi ( Elijah the Prophet).It was a great night and although we had also played the morning Shabbat service, we were energized by the whole day.

- In May I went with a group of volunteers to Birmingham, Alabama to play the Friday services at the new Congregation Beth Hallel Birmingham. The congregation is an enthusiastic mix of Jews and Gentiles, and the Rabbi is Eric Walker from our home congregation in Roswell. They are building a faithful following! Please use the link below to visit their web site and find out what great things are hapenning in our sister congregation.
Beth Hallel Birmingham

Summer 2007
Its June and hot as a firecracker here in Atlanta! The Spirit is on fire here too, and moving in our midst! Last night we went to hear Dr. Daniel Dana, an Israeli lawyer and holder of multiple College degrees, who had an amazing story to tell. I am telling it as I remember from the meeting last night....
Dr. Dana was born in Iran, raised as Muslim and was an ardent student of the Koran, even writing passages and articles on it as a young student. His family fully expected him to grow up to be an Imam.
Then while in College, he denied his god, and became an atheist. His studies and athletic abilties ( a wrestling champion) led him to Austrailia, where in a powerful "dream" he realized that Yeshua (Jesus) was the true Messiah of all mankind, and he felt the power and strength of the Trininty of G-d, Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit. He wandered through the night after this dream, unable to sleep. The next morning he found himself outside a Church, where services were about to begin. He went in, and was embraced by the congregation and his life changed as he accepted the lord into his heart.
He became a Bible scholar, and actually earned a Doctor of Divinity in Jerusalem.
Circumstances led him to "have to" stay in Israel, permanently. While there he became very ill and required blood tests and hospitalization. Through this testing he found that he is actually oif Jewish ancestry, having a rare disease that only affects middle eastern Jews. To his amazement, G-d had led him home to Jerusalem, and he now is a practicing Messianic Jewish Believer, and a member of the King if Kings congregation there!
He is a historian and tells much about Iran,his former home, and the truth of what is happening there. He believes that the Lord is being served by many converted Muslims whose numbers are growing, as they are seeing the false beliefs of Islam. He does not deny the billion plus Muslims worldwide, but feels in his heart that the true Messiah will reach them too. His goal is to establish a Bible College in Tehran when the regime there finally falls, as he knows and prays that it will.
What a great story from a brilliant man. It was riveting to listen to him. My goal now is to visit him in Jerusalem and to play music at his congregation....
Update!!---- the weekend of the Atlanta Prophecy Conference, where we again were invited to play, Dr. Dana was in Atlanta. I escorted him to our Beth Hallel Men's breakfast on Sunday, where he shared his story with the attendees. They, too were amazed by the move of G-d in his life! We mad a DVD video of this event, and it is available for loan through the Beth hallel library.
Thanks to one of our "mishpucha" who sent me this link to a video from Israeli Television news about the growth of Messianic Jewish congregations in Israel. They state that there are over 15,000 Messianic Jews in the country, and at least 16 congregations in Jerusalem alone. It is amazing to see the acceptance of this movement in Israel. The IDF accepts these believers as soldiers, where once they were only persecuted. Still it is the ultra- Orthodox Jews who violently oppose them, but then these same Orthodox also oppose anyone who is not of their exact belief system.Check out the video, and while there if you have not viewed or commented on my music videos, please take the time to do so, as it is very helpful to my goal of spreading the Good News through music. Messianic Jews in Israel ( video)

Fall 2007
Messianic Music Radio and Interent stations are now playing my cd music. One is located in Kiryat Yam, Israel. On this site recently, some of the songs have been listed as their most requested. How great it is to know this music is reaching around the world in some small way!!! Check it out here---
also at

November 2007
A Latino Christian music site is now showing the "Be Still" live music Video. See their site here-
A special message on Israel and the Jewish people was given by Pastor Munn at Restoration Church of Alpharetta, Sunday Nov. 18, 2007.
We were invited to sing and provide some "Messianic Jewish flavor" to this service.
The Church music team and choir opened up the service with some terrific praise music, and then we played a set of songs before Pastor Don Munn gave a powerful message on support for Israel and the Jewish people, and why anti-semtism is a sin. The music and message were warmly received. We made many new friends and hope to go back there at a future date.
Restoration Church of Alpharetta, GA

Dec. 2007
I am invited to lead worship at Restoration on Christmas Eve. I will be doing Messianic music, and hopefully this will be ok!! I am a bit nervous about my first Christmas service as a worship leader, but putting it in God's hands of course to direct me.

Nov 30 2007 Played for a special Erev Shabbat at CBH, the ordination of Rabbi Eric Walker, who is heading up the Beth Hallel Birmingham congregations. It was a great service and terrific to see someone so willing to serve the Lord that he has literally changed their whole lifestyle to be available to do this. Within a year or so they will be relocating to Birmingham to further move in his new role there.
Mazel Tov Walkers!

another nice email arrived on..Dec 21...
I regularly attend the MJAA conferences mainly to purchase books & music CD's. I ran across your video "Be Still" on You Tube and love the song.
I looked up your web site wanting to purchase your CD.
How can I go about purchasing the CD with "Be Still"?
We need more Messianic music! (AMEN!)
We listen to Paul Wilbur, Marty Goetz, and others every day as part of our daily praise & worship in our home. We want your CD to add to our growing collection! Thank you! Bethany & Ron ....

The Atlanta Prophecy Conference for 2008 will be held in Jerusalem this coming Ocotber! I will be attending and providing some of the Praise an Worship muisc for this terrific event! Go to
for information.

I am so thankful to the Lord for allowing me to be apart of this and for my first visit to Eretz Yisrael!

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