Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Power of Prayer

My older son, age 20 is in the Air Force, and works full time at our nearby base. He suffered a bad fall on Thursday, about a 10' drop the the concrete head first.
We got a call from the unit commander, and rushed to meet them at the emergency room.
Our prayers were going up in the car the way there, and after he was placed in a room, we had the blessing of our Rabbi, Teen Group leaders and friends arrive from Beth Hallel, and while the doctors looked at charts and scans and x -rays we prayed around him and anointed him.
Almost miraculously, he had no broken bones, no serious head damage, and no neck injury at all. The gash was stitched, and he has scrapes and bruises, but will be 100% recovered!
This was surely a powerful testimony to prayer and belief that it will work for you.

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